Merry Christmas!
Today we enjoyed a day at home in the middle of our 3rd snowstorm in is many weeks. We have more than 2 feet of snow, and it's not even technically winter yet! Usually our heavy snow months are January/February, so it'll be interesting to see how the rest of the winter goes. We hope you are all doing well & enjoying the season. We wanted to update everyone on how we're doing up here. You can click on a picture to see it bigger, and feel free to leave a comment to say hi. We hope you'll write and let us know how you are doing!
Cassie is in 1st grade and is our social butterfly. She loves school and being with her friends. She has the same teacher Seth did last year. She played Soccer again this year, but she's not sure she enjoyed it that much. She loves ballerinas, princesses, and horses. She loves the monkey bars at school - so much so that she had rips on her hands like a professional gymnast! She likes playing in the snow and getting hot chocolate when she comes inside. :)
Cassie "driving" in a skirt! June
Cassie was riding her scooter & fell. - August
She was very bruised & scratched, but she's as good as new, now!
Seth is 7 and in the 2nd grade. He's our big guy with a soft heart. He loves wrestling, soccer, kickball, art, reading, and playing with his friends. He's very good taking care of little kids & animals, teaching, and helping. He is very gentle! Seth loved camp this summer & soccer this fall. He was the best goalie on the team with an awesome dropkick!! He asked for a Bible from church, and he asks us to read a chapter each night. Seth loves to ride bikes, play on the computer, send email, play on his uncle's xbox, going on the treadmill, and eating - a lot!
Seth "driving" a racecar! June
Arrrgh! It's a pirate birthday:
Jesse is 10 and in the 5th grade! (We keep asking him who gave him permission to grow up!) This year, Mike introduced him to building models, and they worked on one together. He loves drawing, math, sports, non-fiction & fiction stories, race cars, his uncle's xbox, and skateboarding. He's saving up money to buy the pieces to build his own skateboard. This past year, he was diagnosed with ADD (inattentive type), and with the addition of supplements and a low dose of medication, he is so much better!! With these changes, he has the attention span to write and read better. He is doing great in school. In fact, he just got an excellent report card - Honors! He has a fabulous teacher who teaches the way he learns - lots of hands-on activities. He decided not to play in the band this year, as he would miss math class twice a week. There is a boy in his class who just moved from Brazil and is an excellent soccer player. Jesse started playing soccer with the new boy at recess to help him feel more comfortable, and they ended up playing on the same soccer team.
Jesse climbing the 70+ foot ladder of the firetruck on Safety Day! September
He got all the way to the top!
Mindy continues to love working at RewardsNOW! The company has grown and will continue to grow. It makes for "never a dull moment!" Mindy was on the Praise Team at church for a while this year. Also, she was webmaster for Berwick Youth Soccer Association again. Soccer season (September-October) is a busy season with 3 practices during the week and 3 games on Saturday mornings! From now through the next soccer season, Mindy is the Co-President of Berwick Youth Soccer. It should be exciting! :)

Mindy swimming with Morgan at Seth's birthday party. June 23
Watching soccer games - October
Mike still enjoys working at C&J driving the buses. His schedule tends to change every 3 months, but right now we have a good schedule. He works from 6am until 8pm, but he's home in time to see the kids in the evening. He also does video work for C&J. He takes the movies and edits them to play correctly on the bus. He also does our video editing and is working on some ideas to turn that hobby into a 2nd job. He has also done a great job losing 50+ pounds!!

Mike losing weight!! July 8
Mike took on the big project of painting the house during his vacation in May.
This is what it looked like before painting.
This is when the front was mostly done (some trim & the dormers to do)
at the end of his vacation. We tried to finish it on the weekends, but it was hard with the weather. There are just some touch-ups now to do in the spring!
The biggest event of the year was our car accident on September 2. (We're the Subaru Forester in the middle.) We were hit from behind & pushed into the car in front of us. Being forced to stop everything for a couple weeks and then slowly add things back in was a blessing, though, as it has caused us to focus on our health and not add too many things into the schedule. Sometimes you get so busy, you forget what it's like to have nothing to do! The kids are doing well. Mindy still has some healing to do, but we're getting there!
Our wish for you is that you can find the Peace of Christmas in this busy life. May you feel the unconditional love of God wrap around you. And have a very Merry Christmas!
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