Giveaway: Stop the fat talk with Operation Beautiful

Giveaway is now closed. See the winner here.

Operation Beautiful: Transforming the Way You See Yourself One Post-It Note at a Time
by Caitlin Boyle

When I saw the title of this new book, I knew I had to read it. We hear a lot about building up our girls' self-esteem as they are bombarded with "skinny advertising" and judgment from a young age. I also have a son who, at 10, already feels he's fat because of his body type. And when a book advocates using Post-It Notes, I figured it has to be good, right?!? (Yes, I am a recovering office-product-a-holic. Staples is one of my favorite stores. But I digress.)

Starting with posting one scrap of paper with the phrase "YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!" written on it on a public bathroom mirror, Operation Beautiful's goal is to encourage people to use random, uplifting notes to build other people up. This book is filled cover-to-cover with similar notes and the moving stories behind them, and positive self-talk to replace the "fat talk" that fills our society.

Filled with wonderful stories of how people's lives were changed by one small act of kindness, this book was hard to put down and was an easy read. It challenged me to think about my internal thoughts and wether they were building myself up or tearing down. With chapters on family and friends, fitness, food, faith, and moving forward, Caitlyn Boyle presents thoughtful bullet points to think about and apply to your life. She quotes Dr. Susan Albers saying "communicate acceptance of your own body. Focus on what it does for you instead of what disappoints you about it."

I love her suggestion that we "ditch the All-or-Nothing attitude and adopt the Something-Is-Better-Than-Nothing approach" by fitting in exercises where we can, in the small moments of time. I especially appreciate the thought of allowing yourself to relax with a good book and a stroll after dinner when you are exhausted. Taking an overall view of exercise and diet allows us the freedom to forgive a missed workout or an overindulgent meal. Instead of focusing on the numbers of the diet and the scale, eat with purpose and focus on the quality and nutrition of the food.

This book is a wonderful affirmation that our bodies were created to do amazing things, and we should look at the inside beauty instead of focusing on the imperfections. Operation Beautiful not only includes wonderful quotes to help you make your own Post-It Notes to share, it gives specific ways to start living without "fat talk." This is a great read for anyone teens and up. While talking specifically to women, the principles would also apply to men and boys who need a boost in self-esteem.

Order it from from $11.56 (Sponsor link)

I have a copy of this book and some Post-It Notes to give to one of my wonderful readers! Post a comment below for each entry. Receive one entry each for:
  • Visiting the Operation Beautiful website and telling me which Post-It Note is your favorite
  • Following the Adventure
  • Subscribing to the Adventure
A winner will be picked randomly on Saturday morning, August 28. :) Giveaway is now closed. See the winner here.

Remember - You are beautiful just the way you are!

I received this book free from Gotham Books to review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


  1. I loved the Post-it that stated: "You're beautiful WITHOUT makeup...". I love the concept of using Post-its to uplift others...

  2. subscribed via

  3. I love the post-it that's in Italian. I had to track down a translation, and it's saying their eyes are shining and they have a beautiful spirit. :) I also like the one that says, "This mirror does not define you."

  4. And I guess I'm already subscribed to you, though I didn't realize what all you were writing!! :)

  5. Following now, for sure! :D
