This week's #brownbag recap

Hello wonderful brown-baggers! How are you doing in the challenge? It's week 4!!

Here is the recap of this week's brown bagging articles. Great stuff! Check it out and let me know how this week has gone for you.

Chez Us: Lentil Salad
Essentials of Nutrition: Brown-Bag Challenge, Break Room Not Required
The Undercover Cook: Buffalo Chicken-Stuffed Baked Potatoes
This Imperfect Plot: Week 4 (and a BBC side effect: weight loss)
Confessions of a Curious Cuisiniere: What Does Your Sandwich Say About You?
I Brown Bag: Brown-Bag Challenge, Day-by-Day
Carmen Fitness: Brown-Bag Challenge, Going Strong
Family Fresh Cooking: Top Ten Best Lunch-Packing Tips
Canadian Mother Musings: Caught NOT Brown-Bagging It
BoysNBerry: Sandwiches . . . and a Not-so-Great Frozen Burrito
Feeding Philosophers: Lovely Legumes
Healthy Plates: Vegetable Beef Soup
Healthy Kitschy Vegan: Peace
Ali Girl Cooks: Brown-Bag Shake-Up
All Things Splendid: Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Chili
City Life Eats: Day 16 and a Recap of This Week's Lunches
Grecian Kitchen: Brown-Bag Challenge
Cooking Channel: Monkeying Around Lunch Box
Reve Noir: Brown-Bag Challenge Day 9, Repeat Again
The Garden Ephemerist: Brown Bagged
Eating Omily: My Lunch Story
Nutritious Daily: Easy, Peasy Pasta
Chick Bike: Brown-Bag Challenge Days 15 & 16

As always, you can check out my past brown-bag posts here: Brown-Bag Recap

Blessings in your Adventure,

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