(Photo credit: Nemo's great uncle) |
- Safer plastics:
#1 - PET or PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) - water and mouthwash bottles, cups, peanut butter jars, and TV dinner trays; not known to leach any toxic by-products.
#2 - HDPE (high-density polyethylene) - butter tubs, milk jugs, juice, household cleaner, and shampoo bottles; also low risk of leaching.
#4 - LDPE (low-density polyethylene) - squeezable bottles; you probably won't encounter many 4s, as LDPE is usually used for bags, but it also has a low risk of leaching.
#5 - PP (polypropylene) - straws, yogurt containers, syrup, ketchup, and medicine bottles; low risk of leaching.
- Not so much:
#3 - PVC (polyvinyl chloride) - cooking oil bottles, food packaging, and plastic wrap; some 3s can leach phthalates, which can cause reproductive abnormalities.
#6 - PS (polystyrene) - egg cartons, meat trays, and Stryofoam; when heated, some 6s can release styrene, a suspected carcinogen.
#7 - Other - gallon-size water bottles, and baby bottles; some 7s are safe, but some are polycarbonates and may leach BPA (linked to enlarged male breasts, earlier puberty in girls, and cancer).
Blessings in your Adventure,

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