She's Got Issues by Nicole Unice {Review}

She's Got Issues: Seriously Good News for Stressed-Out, Secretly Scared Control Freaks Like Us
By Nicole Unice

Are the little (or not-so-little) things of life stressing you out? Feeling out of control? Insecure? Not as good as your neighbor? Afraid, Angry? All of us as women find ourselves in at least one of these places. Nicole Unice walks us through these issues and shows us not only are we all in the same place, but that God has given us promises we can lean on and learn from.

Along with a great book, there is a study DVD and workbook that work with the book. While you can use these for a women's small group discussion, I liked having the DVD to supplement the book. Nicole writes the book in an easy-to-read   style with humor. When you read the book, you feel like you are sitting down talking with her. Through the DVD you join Nicole in her living room with a group of women and listen to Nicole talk about the issue for that session. Each topic also has a one-on-one conversation between Nicole and another woman who identifies with each issue discussed.

Nicole weaves personal experiences with Bible examples and good wisdom to help us see and understand each of the issues presented: Control, Insecurity, Comparison, Fear, Anger, and Unforgiveness. The book has 2 chapters focusing on each of these issues. One chapter explains the issue, and the second chapter discusses how to deal with it. There are journaling prompts, discussion points, and also quizzes to see if you are struggling with this issue even though you may not know it. :)

I have enjoyed this book and DVD and I look forward to going through both in more depth, and maybe in a small group. :)

Information about the author, Nicole Unice

Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book and DVD for review purposes. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.



  1. Thanks Mindy for the review! It means a lot to me; and I'm thankful that God is speaking to you through the book & study!


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