90 Days Thru the Bible by Chris Tiegreen {Book Review}

90 Days Thru the Bible: A Devotional Journey from Walk Thru the Bible
by Chris Tiegreen

This devotional is set up to help you read through the Bible in 90 days. When we read the Bible, we tend to look at sections, chapters, or just verses. However, if we read the Bible more like a book - more than a verse or chapter at a time, we can see more of God's plan and His love. The book contains an introduction, 90 chapters for daily reading, conclusion, and small group discussion questions for a 13-week study. Geared for adults, this book can be used as a self-study, with a friend, or with a small group.

I really enjoy the daily reading in the book that reviews the section read. There is great information about the book, the writer, who it was written to, and information about the passages. The only trouble I had was the length of the readings. I started out well, but reading all of Leviticus or Deuteronomy in one day is difficult. I like reading more at a sitting as you get more of the flow of the story. But as a mom, I don't often have the time to read a whole book in a day. So, I have changed to my own schedule and I read the book chapter whenever I get to the end of the reading. I do recommend this book, however, as the information is very helpful for understanding what you read. The book also gives you an overview of the whole story of the Bible - the love of God for me.

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Walk Thru the Bible

Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

